About Weblate

Weblate is a web based translation tool with tight version control integration. It features simple and clean user interface, propagation of translations across components, quality checks and automatic linking to source files.

If you are looking for support for Weblate or want to file bug reports check its website at weblate.org.

Weblate is free software created by volunteers, but you can still support them financially.


This site is built using following projects:

Weblate 2.3-dev
Python 2.7.9
Django 1.7.11
python-social-auth 0.2.1
Translate Toolkit 1.13.0
Whoosh 2.5.7
Git 2.1.4
Pillow (PIL) 1.1.7
dateutil 2.2
lxml 3.4.0
django-crispy-forms 1.4.0
pyuca N/A
pyLibravatar N/A


Strings to translate 3016
Words to translate 16297
Used languages 46
Registered users 6733
Suggestions made 14532
Translations made 59636
Failing checks found 1480
Ignored checks 978